‘How To’ Creative Workshops

Join us at Clayton Community Centre for a series of introductory creative workshops throughout the spring and summer!

During the Easter holidays we will be launching our ‘How To’ workshops, giving an introduction to a range of creative skills. These are FREE drop in sessions which will take place every last Wednesday of the month at Clayton Community Centre from 10am–1.30pm. These are relaxed, informal sessions: grab a brew and a biscuit and stay for as little or as long as you want (with sandwiches available over lunchtime during the first two workshops!).

No need to book, just turn up!

For more information contact ruth@superslowway.org.uk

  • Wed 31st July ‘How To’ use a sewing machine with Andrea Westall
  • Wed 28th August ‘How To’ make a relief cast using clay and plaster with Sally Barker