Nightsafe Project – Various Artists

Over the last few months Super Slow Way have been working with Nightsafe on a number of ongoing projects:

Drift: Young people were involved in the co-design, renovation and launch of the Bill Hunt barge alongside UCLan School of Architecture and artist Lucia Scazzocchio of Social Broadcasts to create a floating community radio station.

21st Century Protest Songs: Singer songwriter Matt Hill has been working with young people at Nightsafe to write their own 21st Century Protest Songs, the two songs produced featured on the Drift live broadcast and can be listened to at

A collection of photos will feature alongside the lyrics in a songbook to be published and exhibited in April 2025.

Pick up & Play: Young people have been working alongside musician Scott Robertson and presenter Liz Carlow to produce their own original tracks which included invented new instruments to create their own music. Young people have also shared their ‘desert island discs’ as part of Love to Listen which features on Drift community radio.

21st Century Protest Zine: Following the success of 21st Century Protest Songs we continue to work with young people to produce their own zine documenting their lives and giving them a voice on the issues they’re passionate about through an ongoing series of creative workshops.

Gardening Club: Ian Halawi is now resident gardener at Nightsafe and will work alongside young people to continue the transformation of their outside space into a place for food growing, nature and quiet reflection.