Threaded Together is a poem film that captures the lived experiences of South Asian women and their textile heritage in Lancashire.

Earlier this year, people were invited to take a journey on Ghost along the Leeds & Liverpool Canal. Ghost is a specially built wooden kayak created by artist Adam Chodzko.

East Lancashire Antenna was an audio art project by Rob St John

Listen Up saw artists Caelan Salmon and Tom Washington explore the social and cultural landscape of Blackburn through a series of roadshow style, sonic pop ups in communities living close to the Leeds & Liverpool Canal.

Taste of Transformation: Artistic explorations in food justice

Working with The Alternative School and Clayton Boxing Club

One of our past canal side spaces in Mill Hill, Blackburn.

Bales of secondhand clothes were shredded, allowing participants to transform secondhand clothes into a horde of miniature zombies.

In-Situ artist in residence Eva Sajovic drew on the history and heritage of Lancashire as the origin of the Industrial Revolution.

Collaborative artists Jacob Cartwright and Nick Jordan presented a film installation in Goodshaw Chapel, Rossendale, a nonconformist Baptist chapel established by textile workers and farm labourers in 1760 and now owned by English Heritage.

The Surplus Badge was developed in three stages: workshops with East Lancashire Guides, Brownies and Rainbows, a participatory picnic filmed on the lawn in front of Towneley Hall and the installation including the film and artworks, exhibited in Towneley’s Family Dining Room for the British Textiles Biennial.

Using the discarded fabric, in collaboration with FWRD (Festival Waste Reclamation and Distribution) Together, Rebecca Chesney's field of windsocks served as an indicator of current conditions; a barometer of the climate crisis of our own making.

Nothing holds memories better than fabric. Passed down through generations for commemoration or passed on for safe care in dangerous times, it is mobile, mendable and holds memories within its threads.

In Christine Borland’s installation, four films were cast onto a Projection Cloth of fustian, a mix of linen warp and cotton weft, woven into the fabric of this medieval cruck barn.

Working with community co-creators from East Lancashire, Common Wealth Theatre presented Fast, Fast, Slow, an interactive catwalk performance that takes the audience on a journey through our relationship to fashion, from Burnley to Ghana.

A floating library of short stories on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal

Our canal side space at Finsley Gate Wharf in Burnley.

Explore playful possibilities for The Super Slow Way!

Working with communities up and down the canal

A selection of downloadable resources: Learn about, map and cook with the wild edible and medicinal plants that grow along the Leeds & Liverpool canal around Burnley.

Summer workshops on Wetlab our floating laboratory

Walk The Super Slow Way with Rebecca Chesney

A space for conversations and exploration

Sewing and storytelling sessions with women across East Lancashire

To Blackburn's Acid House Parties

Claire Wellesley-Smith worked with the local community at Elmfield Hall, and experimented with dyeing techniques that were pioneered at the hall almost 100 years ago.

Over the spring and summer In-Situ’s Yes, and… young people's group will be exploring the creative use of lighting in their local area, specifically on the canal

Artists collaborate with industry for a third time as five artists meet five manufacturers for The National Festival of Making’s unpredictable, collaborative art commissioning series

Through out 2018 and 2019 we worked with Blackburn based artist Jamie Holman on a co-commission with Lancashire Encounters Festival

Join us for FREE family textile workshops inspired by Padiham's world-class Gawthorpe Textiles Collection

An interactive light work for the Cotton Exchange in Blackburn.

A celebration of textiles through the eyes of artists in Pennine Lancashire September 2017

A work by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, Personal reflections on Partition

Bristol-based artist Marina Moreno spent the academic year with St Silas CE Primary School in Blackburn. She staged creative interventions in the school and worked with the children on photography, dance, drama, drawing, yoga and much more.

Artist Laura Jamieson is artist in residence at the Jinnah Centre in Burnley. Over eight months she spent time with the communities and young people of Stoneyholme and Daneshouse.

Art in Manufacturing is a collaboration between the Festival of Making and Super Slow Way. Together we commissioned nine multidisciplinary artists to work with some of the leading manufacturers across Pennine Lancashire.

US artist Suzanne Lacy worked with the people of Pendle to create a mass participation artwork at Brierfield Mill in September 2015.

A co-commission with Tate Liverpool let audiences see the entire production and performance of a musical unfold live in the gallery.

On the first stop in a national tour, Stephen Turner's Exbury Egg came to Finsley Gate Wharf in Burnley.

Young men at Hollins Technology College explored issues of identity with a variety of artists.

Burnley Youth Theatre led an exciting performance on the banks of the canal at Sandygate Square, Burnley.

Muhammad Ali and Me is the coming-of-age story of a young, black, gay girl growing up in foster care, and her fantastical friendship with the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, ‘The Greatest’.

#BridgingBlackburn was a collaborative project which brought together young people interested in social action from SLYNCS and a site-specific theatre company from the Netherlands – PeerGrouP.

Singing for their supper, artists Jennifer Reid and Simon Woolham set off to walk the 127 miles of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, exchanging their traditional songs with inn keepers along the way for accommodation and food.

Harkat, devised by Philippine artist Alwin Reamillo in collaboration with Action Factory and the Canalside Community Centre was a cross-cultural project that celebrated the spirit of journey, diversity and community.

Circle of Friends Go Walking' was a collaboration between artist Jean McEwan and Blackburn Circle of Friends group. Together they explored playful, creative ways of walking, wandering and wondering.

The Love & Etiquette Foundation brought a month of events celebrating Islamic culture to Pennine Lancashire.

Blackburn Canal Festival was done the Super Slow Way in celebration of 200 years of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal.

Anthony Schrag worked with the people of Mill Hill to investigate what it means to be a 'Mill Hiller'.

A specially commissioned Rhapsody by composer Ian Stephens featuring a libretto by Ian McMillan came to Blackburn.

A specially commissioned Rhapsody by composer Ian Stephens featuring a libretto by Ian McMillan came to Blackburn.

idle women's floating arts centre for women and girls visited sites along the canal in Pennine Lancashire throughout 2016.

Artist Najia Bagi worked with the young people at Nightsafe in Blackburn to explore their relationships and ideas of identity.

Harriet Lawton collaborated with Gawthorpe Hall and Padiham residents in a series of workshops, culminating in a label trail through Padiham in summer 2016.

Artist Cath Ford worked with Creative Support at the BB1 for Life cafe in Blackburn.

Verd de Gris worked with two carers groups in Blackburn in a series of creative workshops.

A collective of artists investigated the stories, memories and lives of the people who visit Victoria Park.

Artist William Titley worked with male carers in collaboration with Carer's Link.

A collective of artists investigated the stories, memories and lives of the people who visit Victoria Park.