
Artist Najia Bagi worked with the young people at Nightsafe in Blackburn to explore their relationships and ideas of identity.

Nightsafe in Blackburn works with young people who are either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Najia Bagi, is a sound artist who explores the emotional effects that music has on both herself and others. She worked with the staff and young people at Nightsafe to develop a work illustrating the realities, stereotypes and challenges these young people face on a daily basis, exploring their relationships with one another and their environment. After experimenting with many art forms, the group settled on combining sound and photography through working alongside photographer and filmmaker Mario Popham.

“High points of the residency have been; karaoke sessions, making music, portraiture and walking around Blackburn with disposable cameras, noticing our environment and our relationship with it. We have now moved on to planning to rejuvenate a shelter that the young people use on a daily basis. This shelter is currently in disrepair but is really important to Nightsafe.”
– Najia

Molly and  Mario –  Stability and Emotion